Seller Success

Website & Online Business Broker

We understand how difficult it is to start a successful online business, we work with the top acquirer and guaranteed the best deal possible. You want to acquire and operate a successful online business, our eCommerce expert provide you with full services including due diligence, mentoring and any legal services you need. We also helped sellers around the world and sold hundreds of businesses. At Seller Success, we remove the friction from buying and selling online businesses.

A Strong Market

Starting a new business from scratch is difficult, risky, time-consuming, and has no guarantee of success. Therefore, eCommerce sellers are always actively seeking existing and established Online Businesses. Understanding all of the aspects of transferring the ownership of your Seller Account will help you get maximum value. Getting the all-clear from any online business accounts when selling your Business keeps the entire transaction transparent. And this helps protect both the buyer and the seller after the sale. In a transaction of this nature, transparency is an absolute must at Seller Success.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is an investigation that a business or person is expected to undertake before entering into an agreement or contract with another party. Seller Success does full assessment and verification by our experienced team members to manage the risk emerging from a potential partner, vendor, or other third parties.

Vendor Screening

Vendor screening ensures compliance in a company’s supply chain. It is a preventive compliance tool that helps assess whether current and future vendors comply with the relevant policies dictated by international and national laws and regulations.

Integrity Due Diligence

It is gathering and analysing information about a company’s exposure to legal, corruption and regulatory risks. It is usually undertaken by companies to mitigate those potential risks presented by 3rd parties through the gathering of information.

Commercial Due Diligence

Commercial due diligence aims to review a target company’s commercial attractiveness with focus on market position of its products and/or services. It is typically conducted before a company makes a decision to acquire or buy the shares of another company.

How Do We Value Your Online Business?

We do valuations based on your one-of-a-kind business by using a multiple of earnings valuation methodology to determine the value of your online business. This results in the highest valuation. The following factors determine the level of risk and return on investment to a buyer. Naturally a business that has more risk will be valued at a lower level than a business that has less risk.

Submit For A Valuation

Submit your company information into our form. Our specialist will get back to you that day to introduce themselves, ask you some questions about your business and then request your financials for review to complete the final valuation.

Your Detailed Client Interview

Your client interview is tailored to your business. Our goal is to ask you every question that a potential buyer might ask you. We will explore your business’ growth opportunities. Buyers love clear paths to growth — especially those that are already under way.

Publishing Your Listing & Finding the Right Buyer

We introduce top sellers to the marketplace and guide the sellers to go through the onboarding process of the marketplace

Onboarding Flow In Our Community

Submit For A Valuation

Submit your company information into our form. Our specialist will get back to you that day to introduce themselves, ask you some questions about your business and then request your financials for review to complete the final valuation.

Your Detailed Client

Your client interview is tailored to your business. Our goal is to ask you every question that a potential buyer might ask you. We will explore your business’ growth opportunities. Buyers love clear paths to growth — especially those that are already under way.

Publishing Your Listing & Finding the Right Buyer

We then take the deal to market. We send it to our buyer database. Generally, 65% of our deals get sold to our existing database. In addition, we send it out to our marketing channels to find people looking for companies to acquire.

3 Steps to Selling Your Business

Submit For A Valuation

Submit your company information into our form. Our specialist will get back to you that day to introduce themselves, ask you some questions about your business and then request your financials for review to complete the final valuation.

Your Detailed Client

Your client interview is tailored to your business. Our goal is to ask you every question that a potential buyer might ask you. We will explore your business’ growth opportunities. Buyers love clear paths to growth — especially those that are already under way.

Publishing Your Listing &
Finding the Right Buyer

We then take the deal to market. We send it to our buyer database. Generally, 65% of our deals get sold to our existing database. In addition, we send it out to our marketing channels to find people looking for companies to acquire.

3 Steps to Selling Your Business

Submit For A Valuation

Submit your company information into our form. Our specialist will get back to you that day to introduce themselves, ask you some questions about your business and then request your financials for review to complete the final valuation.

Your Detailed Client

Your client interview is tailored to your business. Our goal is to ask you every question that a potential buyer might ask you. We will explore your business’ growth opportunities. Buyers love clear paths to growth — especially those that are already under way.

Publishing Your Listing &

Finding the Right Buyer

We then take the deal to market. We send it to our buyer database. Generally, 65% of our deals get sold to our existing database. In addition, we send it out to our marketing channels to find people looking for companies to acquire.

Thinking of Selling Now or Later?

Get your free valuation & marketplace-readiness assessment.

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